Dr Aleksandar Čvorović rođen je 07.06.1977. godine u Banja Luci. Diplomirao na Fakultetu fizičke kulture u Istočnom Sarajevu 2001. godine, i stekao zvanje “profesor fizičke kulture”. Magistarsku tezu na Fakultetu sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu: „ Asimetrija dominantnih I nedominantnih ekstremiteta u ispoljavanju mišićne sile, snage I frekvencije pokreta kod košarkaša, mlađih uzrasnih kategorija”, odbranio 14.07.2010. godine. Doktorirao 2013. godine na Fakultetu sporta I fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Nišu sa temom: ”Uticaj programiranog treninga za smanjenje utvrđene asimetrije među ekstremitetima kod košarkaša mlađih uzrasnih kategorija”

Naučni i stručni radovi i udžbenici:
Publikacije u međunarodnim naučnim časopisima:
1. Čvorović, A., Kukić, Orr., Robin, M. O., Dawes, J. J., Jeknić, V., Stojković, M. Impact of a 12-Week Postgraduate Training Course on the Body Composition and Physical Abilities of Police Trainees, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: March 2021 – Volume 35 – Issue 3 – p 826-832. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002834.
2. Čvorović A, Kukić F, Heinrich KM, Dopsaj M. Association of waist to height ratio with 2.4 kilometers running time among male police populations. WORK: J Prevent, Assess, Rehab, accepted.
3. Kukic, F., Koropanovski, N., Jankovic, R., Cvorovic, A., Dawes, J. J., Lockie, G. R., Orr, R. M., & Dopsaj, M.,. (2020). Association of Sex-Related Differences in Body Composition to Change of Direction Speed in Police Officers While Carrying Load. International Journal of Morphology, 38(3), 731-736. https://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-95022020000300731
4. Cvorovic, A., Kukić, F., Abdulovic, A., Orr, R. M., & Dawes, J. (2020). Effectiveness of a short-term conditioning program to prepare firefighters for an occupationally-specific competition-pilot study. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning, 28(2), 19-26.
5. Kukić, F., Heinrich, K. M., Koropanovski, N., Poston, W. S., Čvorović, A., Dawes, J. J., … & Dopsaj, M. (2020). Differences in body composition across police occupations and moderation effects of leisure time physical activity. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(18), 6825.
6. Vuković, M., Kukić, F., Čvorović, A., Janković, D., Prćić, I., & Dopsaj, M. (2020) Relations Between Frequency and Volume of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Body Composition in Police Officers, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 91:1, 47-54, DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2019.1646391
7. Milasinovic, R., Cvorovic, A., & Kukic, F. (2019). The Advantages of Waist to Height Ratio over the Commonly Used Anthropometric Measurements in Preadolescents and Adolescents: A Case Study from Montenegro. Iranian journal of public health, 48(12), 2299–2300.
8. Orr, R.M.; Kukić, F.; Čvorović, A.; Koropanovski, N.; Janković, R.; Dawes, J.; Lockie, R. Associations between Fitness

Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1947. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16111947.
9. Milasinovic, R., Bojanic, D., Cvorovic, A., & Kukic, F. (2019). Age and gender differences in nutritional status of school children according to WHO, CDC and IOTF references: a statewide study from montenegro. Sport Mont, 17(1), 15-21. doi: 10.26773/smj.190203
10. Kukic, F., Scekic, A., Koropanovski, N., Cvorovic, A., Dawes, J. J., & Dopsaj, M. (2019). Age-Related Body Composition Differences in Female Police Officers. International Journal of Morphology, 37(1).
11. Kukic, F., Cvorovic, A., Dawes, J., Orr, R. M., & Dopsaj, M. (2018). Relations of body voluminosity and indicators of muscularity with physical performance of police employees: pilot study. Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 4(111).
12. Kukic, F. Dopsaj, M. Daves, J.J. Orr, R., Cvorovic, A. Use of Human Morphology as an Indication of Physical Fitness: Implications for Police Officers. International Journal of Morphology, (Accepted for publishing in issue 4, volume 36, 2018).

13. Kukic, F., Dopsaj, M., Cvorovic, A., Stojkovic, M., Jeknic, V. A brief review of body composition in police workforce. International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports 06/2018; 7(2)., DOI:10.26524/ijpefs1822
14. Stojković, M., Čvorović, A., Jeknić, V., Kukić, F. Influence of two-month training program on anthropometry and VO2max in recreational athletes. International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports 07/2017; 6(2):19-24., DOI:10.26524/2017.06.02.4
15. Cvorovic, A. (2012.). The influence of basketball on uneven use of limbs. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. Vol. 1 pp. 15-19.
16. Cvorovic, A; Kocic, M; Beric, D. (2011). The disproportion of the dominant and ancillary extremities in displaying movement frequency among young basketball players, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Physical Education and Sport Vol. 9, No 1, pp. 91 – 98.
17. Cvorovic, A; Beric, D; Kocic, M;(2011). Disproportion of the dominant and ancillary extremities in displaying explosive power with young basketball players, Sport SPA, Vol 8, issue 1, pp 5-9.
18. Cvorovic, A. (2010). Asymetry of the dominant and non-dominant extremities expresing muscular force, strength and frequency motion in basketball players in younger age categories, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Belgrade, Yearbook, No 16, pp 185-201.

Učešća na međunarodnim konferencijama i publikacije:
1. Cvorovic, A., Kukic, F. (2018): Body Composition and Physical Fitness of Police Cadets: Correlative Analysis. 15th
International scientific conference: Transformation processes in sport – sport performance, Montenegrin Sports Academy; 04/2018, Budva, Montenegro.
2. Cvorovic, A., Kukic, F., Dopsaj, M., Dawes, J.J., Orr, R.M.(2018). Differences in Anthropometric and Physical Performance Measures in Law Enforcement Officers Based on Age Groups. 04/2018. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Rocky Mountain Chapters, Colorado Springs, 04.2018.
3. Kukic, F., Cvorovic, A., Jay Dawes, Robin M Orr, R.M., Dopsaj, M.(2018). Does BMI Negatively Impact Performance in Local Muscular Endurance, Sprint Performance and Metabolic Power in Police. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Rocky Mountain Chapters, Colorado Springs, 04.2018.
4. Kukić, F., Čvorović, A., Dawes, J.J., Koropanovski, N. (2017). Body Mass Index Differences of Police Cadets and Police Employees. In: Effects of Applaying Physical Activity on Anthropological status of children, adolescents and adults (pp.193-198). Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade.
5. Cvorovic, A: Maamari, A. (2017). Differences In Key Performance Indicators Between Police College Cadets in Different
Semesters of Their Education. Seventh International Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, 7-9 November, Belgrade, 7-9 November 2017; 11/2017
6. Cvorovic, A. (2016). Body Composition Status of Abu Dhabi Police College Cadets. 2nd International Conference on Sports Medicine and Fitness, April 18-20, 2016 Dubai, UAE. ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Sports Med Doping Stud. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0673.C1.005
7. Cvorovic, A. (2016). Differences in The Manifestation of Explosive Strength Between Extremities and Between Genders in The Case of Young Basketball Players. 2nd International Conference on Sports Medicine and Fitness, April 18-20, 2016 Dubai, UAE. ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Sports Med Doping Stud. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0673.C1.005
8. Cvorovic, A. (2016). Effects of Unilateral Training on Specific Skills of Young Basketball Players. 2nd International Conference on Sports Medicine and Fitness, April 18-20, 2016 Dubai, UAE. ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Sports Med Doping Stud. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0673.C1.005.
9. Cvorovic, A; Kocic, M; Beric, D. (2013). The Influence of Unilateral Training on Cross Education and Asymmetry in Use of Limbs in Young Basketball Players, Abstract published for 18th ECSS Congress 26-29 June 2013 Barcelona/ESP. pp 245-246.
10. Cvorovic, A; Kocic, M; Beric, D. (2011). Disproportion in the upper extremities in displaying explosive power with young basketball players, 3rd Scientific Conference ‘Kinesiology 2011’, Veliko Turnovo October 27-28.
11. Cvorovic, A. (2010). Training for Speed, Agillity and Quickness in Basketball-Basic Guidelines, 8th Anuall International Conference for Sport Conditioning, 26-27 Feb, Zagreb. pp. 311-315.

Dosadašnji nastavno – pedagoški rad:
– januar 2002. – septembar 2002. – Nastavnik fizičkog vaspitanja, OŠ „Petar Petrović Njegoš“ Maslovare, Banja Luka;
– septembar 2002 – septembar 2003. – Nastavnik fizičkog vaspitanja, OŠ „Jovan Cvijić“ Banja Luka;
– oktobar 2003 – septembar 2007. – Koordinator za sport, Sportski centar “Sport-Eko”,Beograd;
– septembar 2007 – jul 2008. – Sportski direktor I kondicioni trener, KK “Fleš”,Beograd;
– jul 2008. – jul 2009. – glavni kondicioni trener za dvoranske sportove, Al Ain Club-Sports Games L.L.C, U.A.E.;
– jul 2009. – septembar 2012. – Sportski direktor I kondicioni trener, KK “Fleš”,Beograd;
– septembar 2012. – jun 2013. – glavni kondicioni trener za dvoranske sportove, Al Ain Club-Sports Games L.L.C, U.A.E.;
– jul 2013. – septembar 2015. – glavni kondicioni trener u Košarkaškoj reprezentaciji Gruzije, Georgian Basketball National Federation, 49a, Chavchavadze Av, Tbilisi, Georgia;
– oktobar 2015 – septembar 2017. – Vođa Tima i Supervizor na Policijskom Koledžu u Abu Dabiju, Abu Dhabi Police College, 27th Street, Muroor Road, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
– januar 2014. – oktobar 2021. – Profesor strukovnih studija, Akademiji Fudbala, Visoka Škola za Obrazovanje Trenera i Menadžera u Sportu.